The Bombay cat breed originated in the United States in 1976, as a result of the breeding of the short-haired black American breed with the Burmese cat breed. The Bombay cat is characterized by its glossy black fur, golden eyes and delicate facial expressions.
The cat’s body is medium in size and muscular, not hoarded or slender, with a straight but inelastic tail, strong legs and semi-round feet. The head of the Bombay cat is full roundness without any sharp corners, and the face is hoarded with a space between the spaced eyes, narrowed slightly at the mouth and jaws, and there is a drop at the black nose, can be seen in the profile of this cat.
The Bombay ears are medium-sized and round at their ends and erect when the cat feels any sound. This cat’s fur is always black and soft to the touch and has a glamor.
The Pompeii cat is quiet and always away from the annoying sounds. He is a good companion for the whole family.
The fur of this cat is taken care of by combing it daily with a soft brush. He prefers to eat all kinds of meat and fish.
A hybrid breed between Burmese and American short-haired, was the first production in Bombay in 1953
general look :
It is always black, with a beautifully shiny medium fur coat, its copper eyes are the most beautiful for the black body. Facial expressions are easily recognizable. Strong muscles in the body in general.
The average age of this strain is between 14 to 18 years and its weight ranges from 3 kg to 5 kg in normal cases.
These cats are friendly and playful, you can train them easily they are obedient and want to discover all new, these cats are very sociable and their presence fills a good area, there is no danger to the children they deal with them with caution, which is very distinctive and sporty and strange that it will keep you entertaining constantly.